Project-team SIMBIOTX SImulations in Medicine, BIOtechnology and ToXicology of multicellular systems The overall objective of SIMBIOTX is the implementation of computational models and tools with...
Project-team SPIRALS Self-adaptation for distributed services and large software systems Spirals is conducting research activities in the domains of distributed systems and software...
Project-team THOTH Learning visual models from large-scale data Thoth is a joint team of Inria and Laboratoire Jean Kuntzmann, and started in January 2016. It is a...
Project-team TOCCATA Certified Programs, Certified Tools, Certified Floating-Point Computations Toccata is a research group of the INRIA Saclay-Île-de-France researchcenter, joint with the...
Project-team TROPICAL Tropical methods: structures, algorithms and interactions The project develops tropical methods motivated by applicationsarising in decision theory...
Project-team TYREX Types and Reasoning for the Web Tyrex is a research project team, affiliated with CNRS LIG, Inria, UGA, and Grenoble INP. We develop...
Project-team VIRTUS The VIrtual Us The VirtUs team main objective is to create and simulate immersive populated virtual spaces where...
Project-team WHISPER Well Honed Infrastructure Software for Programming Environments and Runtimes The focus of Whisper is on how to develop (new) and improve (existing) infrastructure software...
Project-team WILLOW Embodied computer vision Our research is concerned with representational issues in visual object recognition and scene...
Project-team WIMMICS Web-Instrumented huMan-Machine Interactions, Communities and Semantics The web is no longer the simple documentary system built on a simple protocol (HTTP), a simple...
Project-team ARAMIS Algorithms, models and methods for images and signals of the human brain Our team is integrated within the Paris Brain Institute (ICM). It is a joint team with CNRS, Inserm...
Project-team CAPSULE Applied Cryptography and Implementation Security CAPSULE’s research activities are organized along four axes, namely symmetric-key cryptography, post...
Project-team CELESTE mathematical statistics and learning Data science—a vast field that includes statistics, machine learning, signal processing, data...