

Geometric Modeling of 3D Environments
Geometric Modeling of 3D Environments

Geometric modeling and processing revolve around three main end goals: a computerized shape representation can be visualized, simulated or realized. Central research themes in geometric modeling involve conversions between physical (real), discrete (digital), and mathematical (abstract) representations. Going from physical to digital is referred to as shape acquisition and reconstruction; going from mathematical to discrete is referred to as shape approximation and mesh generation; going from discrete to physical is referred to as shape rationalization. Geometric modeling has become an indispensable component for computational and reverse engineering. Simulations are now routinely performed on complex shapes issued not only from computer-aided design but also from an increasing amount of available measurements. The scale of acquired data is quickly growing: we no longer deal exclusively with individual shapes, but with entire scenes, possibly at the scale of entire cities, with many objects defined as structured shapes. We are witnessing a rapid evolution of the acquisition paradigms with an increasing variety of sensors and the development of community data, as well as disseminated data. Tackling all these changes requires researching on foundations and algorithms in large-scale geometric modeling from measurements.

Centre(s) inria
Inria Centre at Université Côte d'Azur


Team leader

Florence Barbara

Team assistant