Exploratory action Backbone Efficient Symbolic Manipulation for Sparse Systems We seek to explicit, and then exploit, potential structural properties of algebraic systems in order...
Exploratory action BARD(E) Bacterial Antibiotic Resistance Diagnostics (Enhanced) Antibiotic resistance is a major public health threat, and clinicians are increasingly confronted...
Exploratory action BrainGPT Transforming Transformers into Cognitive Language Models In the wake of the emergence of large-scale language models such as ChatGPT, the BrainGPT project is...
Exploratory action CACHAÇA Compact Asymmetric Cryptography with High Assurance for Constrained Applications Fast, safe, and strong cryptography is essential for secure networked communications. Currently...
Exploratory action CANofGAS Cost ANalyses of GAme Semantics Two independent success stories in the study of higher-order programming languages, which are subtle...
Exploratory action CircleD Computational Structural Reuse for Circular Design Circular design aims at expanding the lifespan of industrial products through repair and reuse. But...
Exploratory action CoCoP Couplage Cœur Poumon : aide au monitorage des fonctions cardio-respiratoires en réanimation Summary: In collaboration with the APHP, the project aims to address to the clinical need for a...
Exploratory action Comanche Computational Models of Lexical Meaning and Change (COMANCHE) COMANCHE proposes to transfer and adapt recent algorithms of representation learning from deep...
Exploratory action COMPARTIMENTAGE Spatio-Temporal Imaging and Modeling of Signaling Pathway Compartmentalization G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) form a large class of membrane receptors mainly targeted by...
Exploratory action CONTINUA Continuous deposition of paste-like materials Additive Manufacturing (AM) with paste-like materials (e.g., clay, silicon) facilitates the...
Exploratory action COSMOGRAM New geometric foundations for exploring the shape of the Universe - warming up The Cosmogram project aims at developing new algorithmic tools to explore the shape of the Universe...
Exploratory action DATA4US Personal DAta TrAnsparency for web USers Since May 2018, General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) regulates collection of personal data in...
Exploratory action Define preDicting protEin Functions : wIder aNd dEeper ABS develops novel methods to study protein structure and dynamics, using computational geometry...
Exploratory action DEPARTURE DistributEd comPuting And network nonlocaliTy in the qUantum inteRnEt Quantum correlations are a cornerstone of quantum information theory, to understand its foundations...
Exploratory action Discotik Discrete geometry applied to morphomechanics of plant tissues Computational morphomechanics is the study of living tissue morphogenesis through the scope of...