Challenge ALVEARIUM Large Scale Secure and Reliable Peer-to-Peer Cloud Storage Cloud storage is part of our daily lives. Most user data is stored by large service providers, GAFAM...
Exploratory action Ayana AI and Remote Sensing on board for the New Space the AYANA AEx is an interdisciplinary project using knowledge in stochastic modeling, image...
Exploratory action Back to the trees Back to the trees Between secular floras and image recognition through artificial intelligence, we plan to use...
Exploratory action CoCoP Couplage Cœur Poumon : aide au monitorage des fonctions cardio-respiratoires en réanimation Summary: In collaboration with the APHP, the project aims to address to the clinical need for a...
Exploratory action D-Code Brain Analysis and decoding of brain activity for motor profiling Brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) based on motor brain activity are particularly promising. However...
Exploratory action Define preDicting protEin Functions : wIder aNd dEeper ABS develops novel methods to study protein structure and dynamics, using computational geometry...
Exploratory action DEPARTURE DistributEd comPuting And network nonlocaliTy in the qUantum inteRnEt Quantum correlations are a cornerstone of quantum information theory, to understand its foundations...
Exploratory action ExODE Scaling the solving of Ordinary Differential Equation for Computational Biology In biology, the vast majority of systems can be modeled as ordinary differential equations (ODEs)...
Exploratory action Fluidonics Seismic Waves Manipulation through Hydrodynamics Boxes What if water eddies could shield structures against seismic waves? That's the bold idea behind the...
Exploratory action GRASP Generalizing Results Across Scientific Pipelines Scientific pipelines are at the heart of modern experimental sciences. But practionners face a...
Challenge Inria-EDF Managing tomorrow's power systems The challenge entitled “managing tomorrow's power systems” aims to imagine and develop new tools...
Exploratory action KoopduMonde Koopman operator modelling of nonlinear dynamical systems for ensemble methods The so-called "ensemble-based" prevision methods in oceanography and meteorology use an ensemble of...
Exploratory action LiveIt Feeling and perceiving the symptoms of schizophrenia in augmented reality to reduce stigma The symptoms of schizophrenia are difficult to visualise and this often leads to significant...
Exploratory action LPM Large Physics Models Data-driven ML methods for numerical simulations have shown promise in overcoming the computational...
Exploratory action MARCQ Hybrid methods combining Reinforcement Learning and PDE Optimal Control methods for Quantum Computing This project pertains to quantum computing: we are interested in the possibility of encoding a logic...